A Slice of Love
A Slice of Love
May 26, 2022
Monday I stood at the corner of State Road 206 and US Highway 1. It’s called “Dupont Center.” It’s where fifteen years ago I almost lost my little brother to another youth whose car ran a red light and crashed into my brother’s motorcycle. It’s the road we used for fourteen years to go from our house to the beach. It’s the road from the beach back to Louis’ house when we were dating. Today I was holding an American flag, squatting in the sun, with Thea holding her flag and sitting on my lap, waiting for the funeral procession bringing a family friend through his hometown and favorite places on his way to the funeral home.
Seth Michael Plant was coming home.
He was thirty. He and my other brother Charley are the same age. I remember the two of them in kid’s church when Louis and I were dating. My sisters matched his sisters’ ages. His father was a friend and mentor to my husband before we met. His mother took time to speak wisdom into my life. Our families were friends. I loved them all and prayed for them as they navigated life’s hills and potholes.
Yet I only knew a slice of his life.
My heart rips at me for his older sisters. My heart felt plucked from my chest and shredded when my baby sister died. I have never been able to say “I understand the hole left in your heart.” I hoped I’d never have to because I didn’t want anyone else to lose a baby sibling like I did. The hole never fills.
We move on because we have hope. We know that we know that we will be together again in heaven with Jesus. That is why I stopped screaming “why!” in the car after hearing about my sister’s death. My soul still hurts because I miss her. I remember anger because I thought her life too short. I saw things she would never see on Earth. Her baby girl in her prom dress. Her children marching in cap and gown. Her boys dancing with her in the kitchen, “mom, teach me to dance with a girl!”
This world is broken by sin; that is why bad things happen. God cradles those who are forced to leave in his arms. God’s original plan never included death. Our souls are eternal. Hope in eternity together with Jesus. This is what comforts me now.
I cried for Seth’s family as part of my family waited for the motorcade. I could see their faces in my heart and remember their laughter together. Weddings, children’s births, church services & events, my baby sister’s funeral; our families have seen each other what feels like too few times but so many vital points in our stories. I prayed for their comfort and peace. I prayed for Seth’s story to be kept alive for his nieces and nephew. I prayed for all of those whose hearts were closer to his than mine. Like I said, I only knew a slice of his love. Sometimes we see people as we first knew them; I still saw Seth as Charley’s friend in kid’s church even though I’d rejoiced with his family as he graduated, started following his dreams, got promoted, and grew into the man he was.
My mind kept saying, “what a tiny silly gesture to show you cared.” (Standing on a corner holding a flag and praying) I remembered how special it felt to me with each picture someone shared on social media when Mary died. Little stories about how Mary touched their lives. I didn’t know Seth very well; but he was a brother in Christ. I loved him because of that.

The police motorcycles caught Lucas’ attention and Kimberly came over to record the motorcade as it passed. Louis’ boss hollered at him from where he was stopped about to turn onto 206. I picked Thea up and stood with our flags. It may be a tiny gesture, but it was something I could do.
People on the side of 206 as far down as we could see were doing the same thing – standing with their flags, shirts, banners, some saluting, some waving, most crying. It was so moving to see. This is how we love. Taking time from our lives to stand. In other times, we take time to talk, listen, help, visit, hug. This was several thousand people all along the route stopping to give respect to an honorable man who sacrificed for others – to touch the family with a tiny slice of their love.
Thank you, Seth, for protecting those you love. Greater Love has no man than this; that he would give up his life for his friend.
Rest in peace with Jesus, friend. Until we meet again in heaven. I will continue to pray for your family still here.
~Love and Prayers,
~Nancy Tart