Armor of God
WOW! Just wow, personal study and crazy writer's brain thoughts on a recent Sunday School lesson! [...]
WOW! Just wow, personal study and crazy writer's brain thoughts on a recent Sunday School lesson! [...]
Enjoy each moment! We know our children are "on loan" from God for a little while & then they take flight! Enjoy this adventure, Becky! [...]
Becky: The Second Story July 30, 2022 Part of our educational philosophy is never to hold anyone back but also, not to push so hard that they begin to think of learning as a chore. Learning is a life-long pursuit of knowledge that branches into everything that God has gifted [...]
Where my crazy boy can safely do his flips and workouts #NotMyHardwoodFloor #WatchingMyLittelBoyGetStrong #WGVGymnastics #WGVG #BoyGymnastics #Flips #Fun #Family #Strength #LittleBoy #LucasLovesGymnastics [...]
Resilient In All Seasons June 12, 2022 Our focus in the last weeks in kid’s church where I am a small group leader has been resilience. We define resilience as the ability to bounce back, to get up when it appears impossible, because with Jesus in us, there is nothing [...]
Mama Bear Baby Wear Throwback Story from (October 30, 2021) I rarely do shout-outs that are unrequested; but this one? Oh my goodness! About thirteen years ago, I was looking for a handmade option to the discontinued Gerber squares I had been using for cloth diapers and found the story [...]
I love watching the younglings do something new; why I love just walking and exploring. We can always find something to enjoy when we slow down and ignore the overbearing stresses of life. Take a break. Make yourself take a break. [...]
I have plenty to be grateful for; challenge of transportation will not get me down! [...]
Respect for an honorable man my family loved #SethMichaelPlant #ThousandsOfSmallGestures #PayingRespectToAHero #GreaterLove #SliceOfLove #FuneralProcession #HonoringHisLife [...]
What to do with bouncy kids over summer? #WGVGymnasticsCamp [...]