Big Brother
October 10, 2019
Big Brother Blessings
Sometimes God blesses you with an awesome gift and you totally know it!

From the time I was pregnant with Thea, Lucas was totally in love with his little baby. It was “my baby.” Lots of people tried to get him to choose “new brother” or “new sister” – he always just said “my baby.”

Then when she was born. Lucas was captured.
He has been the most tender, loving big brother. He snuggles with her…

…yes, they are fist-bumping each other in their sleep!
When I was taking her to work with me and totally enjoying my baby-time, Lucas greeted her first when I came in. It was “how were you, baby Thea?” In the morning, it was “Mommy, can you leave baby Thea with me today?”
I love their special bond.
Thea knows she has her big brother wrapped around her fingers!
She is mobile now… I watch them race around the gym floor and Thea’s playing with him!
I am so blessed by the awesome gift of being their mom. I’m so thankful for the bond they already have and look forward to watching them grow up together! Lucas thinks it’s awesome when he sees his friends (he says best friends) Grayson and Caleb on Facebook – he said, “Look, Mom, God gave all three of us special baby sisters so we can take care of them!”
Type at you next time,
~Nancy Tart