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July 13, 2024

“Mom, when can you and dad have me a baby brother?” I am positive this was repeat number 45,748 of this same question from Lucas’ six-year-old mouth. 

As usual, it was because he had annoyed a sister, which turned into him annoying several sisters and/or cousins and being banned from the barracks (girls’ room).  He wanted a brother like his gym brothers.  He’d been asking since he was two. 

I gave him the latest oft-repeated answer, “you have to ask God about that.”

This time, it was a solid, “I did, and I’m getting a brother.”

(This was news to me)

Fast forward to a couple of years later and there is a beaming Lucas holding his promised brother! 

Lucas keeps Laud safe.  He’s always there to grab him when he fusses.  Rebeccah brought it to our attention that never has any of the other little ones forsaken an adult to jump into a kid’s arms.  Well, Laud does.  He will leave mom or dad to jump to Lucas. 

This summer, Lucas has chosen a few times to stay home so he can sit under the apprenticeship of Rebeccah the lego master builder.  When Laud and I return home, Laud is always jumping into Lucas’ arms and doing his whine-babble-growl thing (no real words yet unless he’s yelling for Daddy) which we assume is Laud telling Lucas all about his day.

Love is a totally amazing thing.  I love to watch their brother-bond grow!  I thank God every time I see them together.  I am totally enjoying this stage in our lives right now. 

 Thank you for reading,

Type at you next time!

~Nancy Tart

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