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New Ace in Our Place

December 14, 2024 New Ace in Our Place This is the face of pure love! Kimberly has been waiting for her puppy for over five years. She was promised the next puppy in the house could be hers but when we moved into a restrictive rental that barely allowed Christina’s [...]


Proposal #TheOneRuleInMarriage #Believers #NewlyEngaged #LoveJeausFirst #WaitForTrueLove #BuildEachOtherUp #StartOfLifeTogether #SolidFoundation #JesusIsTheRock #BuildYourHouseOnJeaus #TwoTurtledovesInDecember #2024 [...]

Monday Night (Battleship) Madness

Challenging Aunt Becca to battleships makes for a perfect evening in Lucas’ mind!  [...]

She Got A Truck

Mom just might be terrified by this powerful girl driving her monster truck to school and church and gym, but you know, she loves it, and she’s been a safe chauffeur for two years… My prayers will always be riding with her. [...]

Laud is One!

We don’t usually do much for one year birthdays as I’ve found my babies are rarely interested in anything yet; they want to eat the paper wrapping instead of get to the toy, not really interested in cake or icing yet, and would rather play musical baby than sit still.  [...]

The Story of the Baby-Pen

Online Purchase that wasn't as expected... #TheStoryOfTheBabyPen #2024 #2015 #OnlinePurchase #NotWhatIExpected #PositiveSurprise #GiganticPlayPenBecomesToddlerSafeRoom #Tool #BabyGear #OnlinePictureMadeItLookSmall #ButItWasReallyGigantic #EasyToFindThePositiveInThisUnexpectedTurn #NineYearsOfTheBabyPen [...]

Allow Dreams To Shatter

Let Dreams Shatter #2024 #Family #AMultitudeOfEmotion #AWeeksOfHighsAndLows #JesusIsAlwaysThere #TheSameYesterdayTodayAndForever #LeanOnJesus #ParentingAdults #Thankfulness #Mentors #Love #Truth #Homeschooling #Challenges #HappinessSadness #AHurtMomHasNotFelt #Responsibility #GrowingUp #ThePrivilegeAndResponsibilityOfWisdom [...]

Cheery in the Kitchen

A meme made me think... #ComeJoinMeInTheKitchenAnytime #ILoveCommunity #InMyStoriesTheWomenAreNeverAloneCooking #Social #Community #DoingLife #LovingLife #EnjoyTheSimple #RevalInTheNormal #FindFunEverywhere #NancyTartAuthor #2024 [...]

The White Rose

A White Rose bloomed. A picture makes me think... [...]

Responsibility – Claim It

Responsibility – Claim It June 9, 2024 Random text from my teenager: “Can you just transfer the money from my savings into your savings?  I want this van.” At work finishing up something as my phone makes the cute little sound for Kimberly’s text, I laugh at the lines popping [...]

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