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Cheery in the Kitchen

Cheery in the Kitchen

June 29, 2024

I read a facebook meme while scrolling that said, “no one in the kitchen when I’m there – ever” and it made me so sad. 

One of my favorite things to do is have cheerful music on while cooking or baking in the kitchen with others.  It can be me chopping or helping prep for Louis or Becca, cleaning dishes while Rebeccah is crafting something, making some “sides” while Louis is seasoning meat for the grill, laughing with the littles as my bread makes “fart noises” while kneading, chatting on the porch with the grillmaster as delicious aromas are wafting through the air, or catching up with siblings or daughters about life while we are finishing up a family meal.  I love sharing life while feeling productive. 

Food and feasts bring us together!

Even in the Bible, people are celebrating, remembering, working, and things are happening around meal prep and eating. 

I like to think we are drawn to interact and you can’t really hide behind technology while cooking or eating.  Okay, it’s not that you can’t, it’s that it is harder to do so without seeming rude.  I like serving others – so I’m more of the Martha spirit where I feel like I have to be working to be able to hang out.  I get restless even when hanging out with family while something’s undone.  If I’m working and visiting, I feel connected and productive – that’s a win win.  In my stories, I never have someone cooking alone… That thought just hit me.

Just random thoughts.

What is it that you love to do with others that most people consider best done alone?  Is it long walks?  Fishing?  Exercising?  Cleaning? 

For me, it’s stuff in the kitchen.  Even putting stuff away or organizing; I love doing it with someone.  I’m learning I’m far more social than I thought I was… strange how having five of your kiddos as tall or taller than you makes you want to be more social – is that it?  Hmm… Nope, just been a social butterfly hiding in my cocoon too long. 

Do something you enjoy with your people today. 

Type at you later,

~Nancy Tart

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