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He Sings in the Backseat

He Sings in the Backseat

July 30, 2024

Laud is a very musical baby.  Well, since he walks everywhere now, I consider him a toddler.  He has loved drums since he started using anything long as a drumstick – probably because he was watching his big brother and Daddy play drums.  He likes to sit on Christina’s and Jillian’s laps to bang the piano keys while they play.  “The Pink Panther Theme” with Laud add-in notes here and there is quite comical.  It comes as no surprise to me that he can keep time while he dances or plays drums. 

It also didn’t surprise me when we were on out long trip to buy the shed (Stor-Mor in Starke – great place, by the way, and they sell carports too so we will likely be return customers) that Lucas grinned, “Mom, listen, Laud is singing!”

Yes, Laud was making noises in time and along with the notes.  Not words yet, oh no, this almost-toddler can yell (and I mean, YELL) “DADDY” with the “y” clearly understood, he can point at his sisters’ popcorn bowls and clearly say “popcorn,” and he can take his crocs on and off saying “shoe” and “off” while doing so, but anything else?  No, it’s all babble at the moment. 

He has started the sounds for mama, but whenever he wants me, it isn’t “mama” he says, but a strange hum-growl.

Lucas was deejaying, a favorite pastime of his, and we hit a Skillet bump – five or ten Skillet songs from Green Cove Springs to outside of Starke, and Laud was singing along with fun noises and matching notes.  I smiled, “yes, Lucas, he can sing.  He likes to do that.”

Lucas grinned and added, “He really likes this song!”  Laud seemed to know “Sick of It” but that is likely because Lucas screams it when it comes on.  He loves “Stars” if matching notes and babbling loudly means he likes it.  That may be because that is Mommy’s favorite Skillet song – if He can hold the stars in place, He can hold my heart the same – I love that song. 

Lucas started doing what I get irritated about – starting a few bars of a song and switching!  It appears that when Laud likes a song and Lucas stops it, Laud growls and grunts and makes his hum-growl-purr noises that we perceive are some primitive form of communication.  Laud doesn’t like Lucas stopping songs he likes either!

Our baby-toddler enjoys singing!  So if you hear a guttural growl sound mixed with a musical note that may border on a hum, that’s Laud, trying his best to sing.  – And Lucas, don’t change his songs!

Thank you for reading,

Type at you later!

~Nancy Tart

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