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How Is Potty Training Going?

September 15, 2024

How Is Potty Training Going?

If your kiddo never makes a mess, don’t read.

If you have never had body fluids all over you at some random time with a child giggling, don’t read.

If you are like me, read, laugh, and take a sigh as you think, “thankful that wasn’t me today.” Laughter is good medicine. 

Laud is trying to potty train. I know, hold your horses, that doesn’t mean he has a sticker chart or I bought him a singing potty to scare the daylights out of him. I said LAUD is trying to potty train. 

That means we had to stop him from climbing on the big potty at 11 months, put his potty chair near our potty, and let him climb on it instead.  He knows how to take his diaper off, sit naked on the baby potty, and giggle when he pees or poops. Thus when a teenager says, “I miss little diaper only babies!” I can only laugh.

Laud would be a naked all the time baby if we didn’t have pants.

Oh, my story… let me set the stage:

Second night in our new home. 

Louis, Laud, and I in bed, Jillian, Lucas, and Thea on the couch bed with Prim beside them, Kimberly braved the bunk house alone.

Wee hours of the morning.  I had taken Laud’s clothes off with his before-bed change but no jammies close by and I was tired (exhausted) so *gasp* he was only in a diaper.

Laud wakes, fusses, and wiggles. I’m in zombie-sleep mode so I assume he wants a midnight snack. I cuddle him…

Baby butt.

“Laud, where’s your diaper?” as I slowly collect my jolted awake bits of brains, I hear a giggle, lay my hand on the slightly wet discarded diaper *DISCARDED DIAPER – he took his diaper off!!* and hear a giggle as he finishes emptying his bladder. “LAUD!”

Now I’m wet. The bed is wet. I pick him up, in the dark, in the rv my night brain is unfamiliar with, got him to his potty, he had more in his tiny bladder!! 

I said, “good job, you peed in the potty.”

Now to clean up, settle this baby back down, and maybe rest. And I had to laugh because there was nothing else to do.

Hope that was amusing! 

Thank you for reading!

Type at you later!

~Nancy Tart

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