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My Garden is Growing!

October 6, 2024

My Garden is Growing!

I love plants! Gardening makes me feel close to life. I feel accomplished. The wonder of new growth on freshly transplanted hibiscus and pineapple makes a smile leap on my face! 

My mom gave me some of her hibiscus plants. These two beauties have bloomed! They are happy next to our pineapples and my confederate rose (which is a type of hibiscus). 

It reminds me to bloom where I’m planted. I love this first picture of my little garden!

Also, see my sweet potato plant that Thea keeps harvesting leaves from (Fun Fact! Not only are sweet potato leaves, stems, and flowers are edible, they are extremely tasty and my toddlers have loved the leaves as snacks before I can get them to the stir-fry pan!)

A few still-potted plants I haven’t found a yard home for, one celery stalk, one lettuce plant, two replanted onions… I’m starting my garden again!!

Thank you for reading!

Type at you later!

~Nancy Tart

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