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Cousin Bonds

April 6, 2018 Cousin Bonds I love watching the awesome relationships between my children and their cousins.  Cousins are something like siblings you don’t live with.  They know you, accept you just as you are, enjoy normal everyday things with you, and share one set of grandparents.  For my children, [...]

New Release: Alena’s Baby

March 28, 2018 New Story Release! Yippee!  My illustrator team (Christina and Rebeccah) did some awesome cover art again! This time for the fourth story in The Devonians series!  It’s currently available in ebook and paperback format. The Devonians are space castaways who have developed a colony on a strange [...]

“War Room” Thoughts

March 24, 2018 “War Room” Thoughts Have you seen “War Room?”  If not, please do so!  It’s a wonderful movie that my children watch at least once every week or so.  Miss Clara is their favorite character. Just in case you haven’t seen it, I’ll give you a tiny run [...]

Spring Seeds

March 3, 2018 Spring Seeds Florida likes to tease our tropical plants a bit with a fake spring.  It’s really the start of spring weather but we will have at least one more cold snap to remind us that we do participate briefly in the season the rest of the [...]

The Demon – (aka jab test)

March 2, 2018 The Demon (aka jab test) Well, it ended up that the evening of the day someone broke into our van and I got sick, it wasn’t just a fever and go thing.  The fever didn’t want to go away (all my life low fever & cough might [...]

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