Project at the End
April 16, 2020
Project at the End
Becky has a thing for all animals – but let’s just go out on a limb and say she’s got a special connection with all things feathered. Chickens. Been there, have that. Monk Parrot. Been there, fostered that. Parakeets. Been there – and she LOVED them! So her savings goal was to have enough money for a big enough cage for indoors, enough for an outdoor flight run, and the parakeets themselves by the time we move.
Circumstances being that instead of spending her time dreaming of birdies while coaching she was staring at her empty wall with no feathered friends; I came home to, “I’m getting something big in the mail.”

Something big turned out to be a huge parakeet cage! It’s like a really large parrot cage but with spaces small enough to contain small birds like finches and parakeets.
She was quick to assemble it.

There’s no stand! She tried to swipe our one and only end table! Nope.
So we decided to use the wood Kimberly collected for her bunny cage last summer when the gym was being built and create a family project!
No Prim! Don’t get stuck Thea is getting interested I Help, Mommy! The saw is too loud for Lucas! This goes here… All done, that goes there… How does this one help, Mommy?
Thea and Lucas were my all-the-time helpers. All pictures are courtesy of Becky & Kimberly. This is something I love about being home more often… last minute, zero-cost (almost, anyway, as Louis had to go fetch some not-too-long screws for the table tops), shop time projects with my girls! Becky and I haven’t worked on a project in quite some time. Working to build things is my absolute favorite… gardens, woodworking, legos, cooking, etc. I love making something useful from “nothing” (or big pile of scrap wood).
Finished product (stand) Yes, that is a sock between the layers!
Becky and I loved the double-table style we ended up with. Although she sacrificed a few beautiful nails in all this work, we had an exceptional mother-daughter laughing, goofing off, and problem solving time building the project at the end of her savings goal!
Thank you for reading.
Type at you later,
~Nancy Tart