Study & Playtime
August 8, 2019
Study and Playtime
Your bed.
A place of rest. Calm. Peace.
Unless you are a mom!
I got the baby all ready, got myself all ready, even get Lucas ready for his bed! Lay down and *boom* here come the troops!
Lucas does an aerial front flip onto the bed, continuing into two connected forward rolls. (I almost die each time he does that!)
“What are you doing? This isn’t the gym?”
“Going to bed with you.” Nice.
As I start getting him settled (someone must have shared a red skittle with him, as the equation for crazy energy = red food dye + sugar + Lucas), Christina comes in with her new laptop. “Mom, I need help setting up.”
So this is my bed & it’s 2300:

I’m trying to sleep, need to be up at 0545 to get Thea ready, me ready, walk dogs, and beat the bits of traffic; 0615 if I don’t care about eating breakfast or packing lunch.
I smile and remember – they won’t be little long. Soon Christina will be 16, how much longer will she even ask for my help? Lucas is 4, when will he suddenly stop coming in to snuggle? Thea is 5 months, but I can remember Christina being that little and it seems like yesterday. I take a picture as Christina gasps, “Thea! Computers are not for eating!”

No, they won’t be little long. I choose to cherish every moment… even the late night Mom’s bed gatherings.
Type at you later,
~Nancy Tart