Support Me!
August 1, 2020
Support Me!
Hello, I’m Kimberly Tart. My mom runs this blog site but I get to write about this (with a little, okay, maybe a lot of grammar and editing help). I’ve never done a fund-raising thing – volunteered at a lot of stuff, but not tried to fund raise myself.
Here goes…
I have been learning the sport of gymnastics at WGV Gymnastics and recently made the Xcel team! (My name is on the official roster here!) My goal is to go all out – I love gymnastics! I plan on competing as high as I can possibly go and when I get to college to study veterinary medicine, I hope to be on a college gymnastics team!
Right now I’m doing some fundraising to help offset my costs and provide businesses with an outstanding advertising and charitable donation opportunity! (Regular people still get the donation benefits!)
Our gym has a 501c3 Booster Club for our athletes to raise funds to help offset our competition costs. This is WGVABC (WGV Athletic Booster Club). Information on their sponsorship packages can be found at A portion of your sponsorship funds go directly into my booster club account (if there is no name attached, it goes to the general team fund). Plus your business receives a powerful advertisement package that begins the day your banner is hung (click <- link to see an example of displayed banners) – so you get 365 full days of advertisement! We have thousands of athletes and family members coming through our gym weekly and all see our sponsors’ bright banners.
I totally appreciate your time reading this and any sponsorship level you choose!

Please choose a sponsorship level or donate and mention my name, Kimberly Tart, when you do!
Thank you!!
Kimmy Tart