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Busy Mom Life with Stockings

Yikes! Super mom fail! I missed xyz detail at the last minute! #MommyForgot #MomFail #Encouragement #DontLetItStealYourJoy #ChiefMoodOfficerAtWork #24 #NancyTartAuthor #MomForgotToBuyGlitterGlueUntilChristmasEve #SecondYearOfBlankLaudStocking [...]

What Is It?

Do you have a son?   I do.  Have you ever heard this yelped in a very over-excited voice that bounces off the walls of your house?  “Mom! Can I kill it?” [...]

Laud is One!

We don’t usually do much for one year birthdays as I’ve found my babies are rarely interested in anything yet; they want to eat the paper wrapping instead of get to the toy, not really interested in cake or icing yet, and would rather play musical baby than sit still.  [...]

The Story of the Baby-Pen

Online Purchase that wasn't as expected... #TheStoryOfTheBabyPen #2024 #2015 #OnlinePurchase #NotWhatIExpected #PositiveSurprise #GiganticPlayPenBecomesToddlerSafeRoom #Tool #BabyGear #OnlinePictureMadeItLookSmall #ButItWasReallyGigantic #EasyToFindThePositiveInThisUnexpectedTurn #NineYearsOfTheBabyPen [...]

Baby on the Events

March 21, 2024 Baby on the Events (Throwback story from December 21, 2023) Jillian called, “Mom, I’m taking some pictures of Laud!” Lucas jumped along to help out. He loves taking pictures of his little brother. Somewhere in their cute little thoughts, they decided our four-month-old should take a picture [...]

Picture Of A Baby

I do not know why this one picture makes me so happy.  Christina took it. I’ve never done months or even year pictures – I tend to choose the favorites sent to me by my kiddos since Christina was 10 & other family who are better at picture taking.  [...]

Two Cadet Homecoming

January 7, 2020 Two Cadet Homecoming! On January 4th, a beautiful day with misty rainshowers threatening the gorgeous parade ground at Camp Blanding, I watched both of my cadets march in their pass and review (ceremony parade at the end of the 2019-2020 winter encampment).  I almost cried two years [...]

Becky’s New Semester

September 2, 2019 Becky’s New Semester Who knew my thirteen year old would be bouncing all over the county (okay, not literally) this semester in her activities? Becky decided on two courses this semester.  Her online class turned out to be a half-semester starting after her birthday.  Her Macroeconomics started [...]

Valentines Silliness

From my teenager's claim of the "real holiday" to Becky's video silliness... a fun post with links. [...]

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