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Easter Cuteness

April 30, 2019 Easter Cuteness Easter Sunday was so much fun for us this year! Not only did our little Thea officially turn two months old on Easter, but neither Louis nor I was working, neither of us was tired, and we had the whole weekend to ourselves! Baby Thea [...]

Spring Blessings

March 24, 2019 Spring Blessings March 20th was the official first day of spring. I live in Florida, so “Spring” as we see it means beach weather – at least for those of us who don’t consider 70 degrees too cold for sand, surf, and sun. The flower bulbs are [...]


May 28, 2017 Winners It’s been an awesome day.  I covered morning reservations and we went to church.  I always feel refreshed and ready to conquer the world after church.  Today the discussion was about winners.  We talked about how all believers are winners in the end because we get [...]

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