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Pit Cleaning Fun!

one of my favorite parties of the year! #WGVGymnastics #WGVG #2024 #PitParty #RoutineMaintenance #Teamwork #OurWorkCrewIsAmazing #FellowshipIsFun [...]

Cheery in the Kitchen

A meme made me think... #ComeJoinMeInTheKitchenAnytime #ILoveCommunity #InMyStoriesTheWomenAreNeverAloneCooking #Social #Community #DoingLife #LovingLife #EnjoyTheSimple #RevalInTheNormal #FindFunEverywhere #NancyTartAuthor #2024 [...]

Rejoice 2020 – Becky

November 18, 2020 Rejoice 2020 – Becky Towards the end of the year, I always begin to reflect on the changes that have occurred in the year. Overall, they end up being positive – and those are my highlights. As it is close to Thanksgiving, I thought I’d brag a [...]

My New Gym!

August 22, 2019 Our New Gym! Have you ever moved?  YES!  I can remember 19 different homes in my early years.  My husband and I have shifted houses 10 times in almost 17 years.  I am intimately aware of moving. I know just how many boxes can fit in a [...]

Fighting Failure

July 12, 2019 Fighting Failure It’s when your mind tells you stuff that isn’t what God wants you to hear, but the logical part of you says, “yes, that’s right,” so you agree and allow the spirit of failure to permeate your day. I know in my heart that anything [...]

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