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Family Fun Days

So Thankful! [...]

Laud is One!

We don’t usually do much for one year birthdays as I’ve found my babies are rarely interested in anything yet; they want to eat the paper wrapping instead of get to the toy, not really interested in cake or icing yet, and would rather play musical baby than sit still.  [...]

The Story of the Baby-Pen

Online Purchase that wasn't as expected... #TheStoryOfTheBabyPen #2024 #2015 #OnlinePurchase #NotWhatIExpected #PositiveSurprise #GiganticPlayPenBecomesToddlerSafeRoom #Tool #BabyGear #OnlinePictureMadeItLookSmall #ButItWasReallyGigantic #EasyToFindThePositiveInThisUnexpectedTurn #NineYearsOfTheBabyPen [...]

Cheery in the Kitchen

A meme made me think... #ComeJoinMeInTheKitchenAnytime #ILoveCommunity #InMyStoriesTheWomenAreNeverAloneCooking #Social #Community #DoingLife #LovingLife #EnjoyTheSimple #RevalInTheNormal #FindFunEverywhere #NancyTartAuthor #2024 [...]

What This Mother Wanted

What This Mother Wanted TimeWarp From May 12, 2024 Becky returned to us for the summer (or at least a bit of it) on Saturday.  Louis brought her home from the airport in the wee hours when everyone else was sleeping.  We had work that ended at 2pm.  It was [...]

Floor Blocks and Imagination

#2023 #Family #Pictures #Encourage #Imagination #FloorBlocks #HouseBlocks #BuildingHousesOutOfFoamFloorMatSquares #ProblemSolving #Boys #WatchWithWonder #Children #TheFascinatingImaginationOfAChild [...]

Conquistador Classic 2023

#2023 #Family #Gratitude #Gratefulness #WGVGymnastics #WeAreFamily #SilverTeam #PlatinumTeam #ConquistadorClassic2023 #Fun #Gymnastics #MeetSeason2023 #Pictures #Thankful #Volunteer #Volunteering #LocalMeet #StAugustine #Florida #ILoveMyGymFamily #Encourage [...]

First Meet of the 2023 Season

Meet Season 2023 here we come! Long car rides, friendship bonds, encouraging teammates, and even little brothers stinking up the car... [...]

Turtles In The Kitchen

December 3, 2022 Turtles in the Kitchen It had been one of those days.  You know, when you begin to question everything, your brain shouts accusing bits at you and highlights every choice you’ve made since infancy, and your biggest challenge is to find something joyful to think on or [...]

Dressing the Part

#DressingThePart #ChristinaCanDressUp #DressUpDays #Halloween2022 #Halloween #SillyMemories #Silliness #BeSilly #BeFun #Family #Memories #LetsMakeMemoriesTogether #CreateSillyMemories #DontLetYourFunStop #WGVGymnastics #ParentsNightOut #ChristinaHasWayTooMuchFunDressingUp [...]

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