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The Many Faces of Thea

#Theadora #TheManyFacesOfPreschoolers #PreschoolerMoods #Preschool #GymNLearn #WGVGymnastics #CanMyThreenagerListen #IndependentThreeYearOld #OnlyMineForASeason #ICanDOItMyself #Faces #Pictures #MomSometimesIsntReady #TheyAreReadyBeforeMe #ILoveBeingAMother [...]


Pumpkin Memories [...]

A Peek At Textbooks: Autumn 2022

A Peek At Textbooks: Autumn 2022 October 19, 2022 Our textbooks are usually a medley of what works best.  This year Christina and Becky have college books only.  Christina still digs into our American Government high school textbook this semester because it “makes it easy to understand” as she’s taking [...]

Encouragers: The Chaos Of Joy Mother

Encouragers: The Chaos Of Joy Mother October 9, 2022 I’m sitting at the desk at gym, taking payments and checking liability waivers for our open gym one Friday at noon (every Friday noon to 1pm is Open Gym – basically, allow your kiddos to expend all their energy just before [...]

Encouragers: The Challenger of Norms

Encouragers: The Challenger of Norms October 6, 2022 I’m praying for her family.  I’m praying for strength, wisdom, and peace in her heart.  This woman is the Challenger of Norms.  She has encouraged me over many years.  When my daughters ask if I have a best friend, this woman comes [...]

Encouragers: The Lady Who Smiles

The Lady Who Smile. Never underestimate the power of your small gesture! [...]

“I Broke My Leg” – and other shenanigains

“I Broke My Leg” – and other shenanigains September 30, 2022 (timewarp from August 30, 2022) To say that our home is never dull is a severe understatement; something funny, outrageous, interesting, or unbelievable is happening all day every day and if it appears to be calm, someone will make [...]

Thankfulness 2022

This year it may be a little premature, but I’m super excited about the amazing things. #Thankful #Gratitude #PensacolaChristianCollege #EmbryRiddleAeronauticalUniversity #LifeJourney #Children #GoodNewsChurch #WGVGymnastics #Education #Thankfulness [...]

“Plans” Turn Into Stages

#LearningToMother #GoodNewsChurch #MakeResilientDisciples #ChooseGratitude #Ephesians6 #Thankful #Gratitude #HomeschoolFamily #EnjoyEachStage #WorkInProgress #Journey #LifeIsAJourney #WGVGymnastics #Dreams #Plans [...]

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