Happy Anniversary Texts
Happy Anniversary texts from my children turns into super laughter at work... #HappyAnniversary #2024 #NancyTartAuthor #TartGroupTextsAreFunny #PoopExplosions #WarningOurGroupChatsAreRediculous [...]
Happy Anniversary texts from my children turns into super laughter at work... #HappyAnniversary #2024 #NancyTartAuthor #TartGroupTextsAreFunny #PoopExplosions #WarningOurGroupChatsAreRediculous [...]
October 24, 2024 Bunk Beds & Storage Shelf Shop Days I was planning on building bunk beds, but my lack of time and continuous delays made a text image of a double bunk pop up in my messages because my teenagers were tired of no actual beds and Louis says, [...]
If your kiddo never makes a mess, don't read. If you have never had body fluids all over you at some random time with a child giggling, don't read. If you are like me, read, laugh, and take a sigh as you think, “thankful that wasn't me today.” Laughter is good medicine. [...]
Our baby-toddler enjoys singing! So if you hear a guttural growl sound mixed with a musical note that may border on a hum, that’s Laud, trying his best to sing. – And Lucas, don’t change his songs! #BabyToddlerStage #BabyStage #ToddlerStage #BabyToddlerLikesToSing #HeKeepsTime #BabyLovesMusic #Music #HumGrowlPurr #PrimitiveCommunication #NancyTartAuthor [...]
The Baby Bug-Free Zone July 27, 2024 We have a long-term project that is going and going and going… One thing we don’t have to ponder is where the baby (or sleeping 5-year-old) will go to play if the bugs are bad. Whoa! IF THE BUGS ARE BAD?? What side [...]
Thea’s Counting March 9, 2024 “Listen mom!” Yells Thea, “listen Christina!” She excitedly counts down from 20. She’s been doing that for a while, but today had both of us in the living room when she was showing off. She had just read a picture book to Laud and spelled [...]
#Theadora #TheManyFacesOfPreschoolers #PreschoolerMoods #Preschool #GymNLearn #WGVGymnastics #CanMyThreenagerListen #IndependentThreeYearOld #OnlyMineForASeason #ICanDOItMyself #Faces #Pictures #MomSometimesIsntReady #TheyAreReadyBeforeMe #ILoveBeingAMother [...]
April 12, 2020 Movie Review: Onward As a family, we got to watch a new movie called “Onward” (Disney/Pixar) recently. Curled up on our couch, eating tangerines instead of popcorn, we also got to discuss this movie during the end credits. I was pleasantly surprised at this movie. (Spoiler Alert! [...]
From my teenager's claim of the "real holiday" to Becky's video silliness... a fun post with links. [...]
When big siblings are helping research baby names - sometimes there is silliness! [...]