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It’s Here! In Person!

New Release!! The Secret Locker, Bunnies in the Orchard Lands - come see it in person at WGV Gymnastics' Pro Shop! [...]

Fresh New Year

Who else is excited for 2019? Who else looks at the new year like a child on Christmas morning looks at presents around the tree? [...]

New Story Release! Fibbing Fisherman

New Release! The fifth book in the Devonians children's series ~ check it out! [...]

Family Fun Fest 2018

May 4, 2018 Family Fun Fest 2018! We spent all day on April 28, 2018, a beautiful Saturday in Saint Augustine, at the Family Fun Fest.  This annual event at Francis Field supports the community work of Alpha Omega Maternity Home and their related outreaches. Alpha Omega has been a [...]

My Illustrators

August 3, 2017 My Illustrators I love to write.  When it comes to drawing, I’m not an artist.  So when I’m ready to finish a story, I enlist the aid of my team of illustrators. The latest releases, “The Mystery of the Strange Chip” and “A Clue in the Barn” [...]

Meet Joseph

July 13, 2017 Meet Joseph Jaquline’s favorite series of stories right now is The Devonians.  She loves the short, easy to read, stories with “bright colors” (Christina illustrates the covers in bold crayon) and “big words” (the lettering is large print). Each of the Devonians stories follows a different child [...]

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