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The Big Boy Bed

May 2, 2019 The Big Boy Bed The girls shifted their beds around so that the Playroom is now the sleeping quarters for Kimberly, Jaquline, and Jillian and the Barracks is sleeping quarters for Christina, Becky, and Primrose.  This shift was so that the barbies, legos, and small toys like [...]

Easter Cuteness

April 30, 2019 Easter Cuteness Easter Sunday was so much fun for us this year! Not only did our little Thea officially turn two months old on Easter, but neither Louis nor I was working, neither of us was tired, and we had the whole weekend to ourselves! Baby Thea [...]

Toys Versus Kitchen Tools

Have you ever wondered if your kid was the only one who chose kitchen tools over toys? [...]

The Story of Baby Thea

A birth story of our little angel (and a slideshow of proud siblings & family!) [...]

Cousin Visits!

Cousin visits to our "mini-farm" aka place to get messy, play with animals, discover eggs hidden outside, and enjoy togetherness! [...]


How Becky discovered gymnastics and is now motivated to workout for personal improvement! Mom is thankful for her fitness goals! [...]

Fresh New Year

Who else is excited for 2019? Who else looks at the new year like a child on Christmas morning looks at presents around the tree? [...]

Pearson Christmas Party 2018

Picture overload! My family's Christmas party 2018. [...]

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