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The Story of Baby Thea

A birth story of our little angel (and a slideshow of proud siblings & family!) [...]

Little Cuties

Some of my odd deep thoughts on animals, their importance in children's lives, and the responsibility and love they teach. [...]

Songs and Movies… How can that make me cry?

Why does she cry? Even she doesn't know, but the right song or movie certainly can start it. [...]

Cousin Visits!

Cousin visits to our "mini-farm" aka place to get messy, play with animals, discover eggs hidden outside, and enjoy togetherness! [...]

Minuit’s Story

This story of Minuit, the Dwarf Holland Lop bunny who became Kimberly’s best gift ever, and how Kimberly fell in love with her “snuggle bunny” gifted by her big sisters! [...]

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