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New Ace in Our Place

December 14, 2024 New Ace in Our Place This is the face of pure love! Kimberly has been waiting for her puppy for over five years. She was promised the next puppy in the house could be hers but when we moved into a restrictive rental that barely allowed Christina’s [...]

Responsibility – Claim It

Responsibility – Claim It June 9, 2024 Random text from my teenager: “Can you just transfer the money from my savings into your savings?  I want this van.” At work finishing up something as my phone makes the cute little sound for Kimberly’s text, I laugh at the lines popping [...]

God! Help!

January 5, 2021 God! Help! This blog is for those moms, big sisters, teachers, coaches, etc. who have ever raised their hands up in the sky and demanded with tears streaming down their eyes, “God! Help!” If you’ve never done that, please leave the rest of us in our private [...]

Dating Decisions – Part 3

Dating Decisions Part 3: Discovering Real Life and True Love [...]


May 16, 2020 Shattered Again. Shattered Again. This is what strikes my heart again. Of course, in the big scheme of things I realize, this is tiny. This isn’t losing a family member or going bankrupt. Logically, my brain tells me that this isn’t really a bad thing and there [...]

Sixteen Sweet Years

October 3, 2019 Sixteen Sweet Years The one who first called me mother is sixteen years old.  Thank you, Jesus.  I am so grateful for being blessed with Christina!  I can’t imagine life without her.  I truly understand that God entrusts us with raising his children.  There is such a [...]


June 17, 2019 Fatherhood So, you know this huge thing called “Fatherhood?” What comes to mind?  A parenting book I read when I was twelve (yes, oldest sibling perks!) said something like “the child’s view of God as a Father is directly impacted by their experience with their Earthly Father.” [...]

Little Cuties

Some of my odd deep thoughts on animals, their importance in children's lives, and the responsibility and love they teach. [...]

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