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Stretching Her Eagles’ Wings

Enjoy each moment! We know our children are "on loan" from God for a little while & then they take flight! Enjoy this adventure, Becky! [...]

Walk and Enjoy

February 3, 2021 Walk and Enjoy Louis likes to do “spur of the moment” fun. We had a lovely Saturday; work, the guys watched a game, we played outside, we had some really good food some of the girls helped Louis with, and we were winding down for the early [...]

Temporary Home

February 13, 2020 Temporary Home Sometimes music just hits me. I love to listen to songs of all kinds. One of my newest favorites was from a movie we watched a little bit ago – “Speechless.” Even though as an analyst I understand that wouldn’t have been accurate for the [...]


September 23, 2019 Questions I love how children ask questions.  Sometimes their questions make you go search something.  Like “what is a rainbow?” or “why are leaves green?” Sometimes their questions mirror your own; but those you won’t speak. You know, questions that your doubting mind asks but your thinking [...]

Songs and Movies… How can that make me cry?

Why does she cry? Even she doesn't know, but the right song or movie certainly can start it. [...]

Oceans of Praise

One night of de-stressing by taking the kids to experience the beauty of the moonlit beach! [...]

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