Pit Cleaning Fun!
one of my favorite parties of the year! #WGVGymnastics #WGVG #2024 #PitParty #RoutineMaintenance #Teamwork #OurWorkCrewIsAmazing #FellowshipIsFun [...]
one of my favorite parties of the year! #WGVGymnastics #WGVG #2024 #PitParty #RoutineMaintenance #Teamwork #OurWorkCrewIsAmazing #FellowshipIsFun [...]
Jaquline's Third Tryout: Saturday (email would be sent within a week) 2 hours later: "Mom do you have an email?" “Child, is it Friday?? I will not bug your coach. Patience.” “Patience is a muscle that needs to be used to grow.” “Patience is a virtue.” “Fruit of the Spirit, Jaquline?” *Lots of eye-rolls and [...]
What This Mother Wanted TimeWarp From May 12, 2024 Becky returned to us for the summer (or at least a bit of it) on Saturday. Louis brought her home from the airport in the wee hours when everyone else was sleeping. We had work that ended at 2pm. It was [...]
Throwback from: April 20, 2024 Watching Them Grow I’m feeling nostalgic. I’m watching girls dance and play while a sideshow plays and I hear music my Daddy used to play. Not just my girls but they all feel like mine. I’ve watched them grow in our gym. Some I’ve coached, [...]
November 24, 2023 Pneumonia and Gratitude! The end of October was supposed to be so exciting! Gym had an employee & family fall festival scheduled – I was super excited about that because three of my family members are also coworkers and the girls had planned their goodies and costumes. [...]
Sister-Cousin Spring Camp & Making Memories! #2023 #Family #Sister #Cousin #Blessings #Connections #SistersAndCousins #TartSpringBreak2023 #SpringBreak2023 #Friends #WateringFriendships #PurposefullyBuildingRelationships #FamilyAndFriends [...]
#DressingThePart #ChristinaCanDressUp #DressUpDays #Halloween2022 #Halloween #SillyMemories #Silliness #BeSilly #BeFun #Family #Memories #LetsMakeMemoriesTogether #CreateSillyMemories #DontLetYourFunStop #WGVGymnastics #ParentsNightOut #ChristinaHasWayTooMuchFunDressingUp [...]
#Theadora #TheManyFacesOfPreschoolers #PreschoolerMoods #Preschool #GymNLearn #WGVGymnastics #CanMyThreenagerListen #IndependentThreeYearOld #OnlyMineForASeason #ICanDOItMyself #Faces #Pictures #MomSometimesIsntReady #TheyAreReadyBeforeMe #ILoveBeingAMother [...]
Encouragers: The Chaos Of Joy Mother October 9, 2022 I’m sitting at the desk at gym, taking payments and checking liability waivers for our open gym one Friday at noon (every Friday noon to 1pm is Open Gym – basically, allow your kiddos to expend all their energy just before [...]