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Life Goals

December 28, 2022 Life Goals I continually reevaluate my “life goals,” if you want to call them that.   Core has always been to love Jesus, pass that on to everyone I can touch, and show love when I can.  The additions have changed a little: Pre-twenties, I wanted to be [...]

The Coldest Day

When you've worked almost two years to get a harvest and a deep freeze threatens; you save the navel oranges! Jaquline's Birthday Story [...]

My Civil Air Patrol Cadet

July 12, 2018 My Civil Air Patrol Cadet One day Louis was driving past the Saint Augustine Civil Air Patrol building and saw cadets marching around in uniform.  He stopped, asked them what they were, and raced home to tell Christina that he found the perfect activity for her. She [...]

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