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Proposal #TheOneRuleInMarriage #Believers #NewlyEngaged #LoveJeausFirst #WaitForTrueLove #BuildEachOtherUp #StartOfLifeTogether #SolidFoundation #JesusIsTheRock #BuildYourHouseOnJeaus #TwoTurtledovesInDecember #2024 [...]

What Is It?

Do you have a son?   I do.  Have you ever heard this yelped in a very over-excited voice that bounces off the walls of your house?  “Mom! Can I kill it?” [...]

Did Noah Have Daughters?

Random thoughts in my crazy writer's brain. [...]

What This Mother Wanted

What This Mother Wanted TimeWarp From May 12, 2024 Becky returned to us for the summer (or at least a bit of it) on Saturday.  Louis brought her home from the airport in the wee hours when everyone else was sleeping.  We had work that ended at 2pm.  It was [...]

And We All Made It!

December 31, 2023 And We All Made It! Butterflies swam in my heart, stomach, mind… anywhere… everywhere all at once.   I’m sitting in one of the folding seats in the Ocean Center with a baby nursing… I’ve been here, done that before, but never have I been in this venue [...]

Growing Young Women

December 28, 2023 Growing Young Women It struck me with a text I sent: I have the littles at gym with me I had Jillian, Lucas, Thea, and Laud.   Half of our “biggers” are actually adults.  That’s a strange place to realize I am at.  I paused a moment, glancing [...]

Mary Did Know, Do You?

Sometimes I may think too deep #2022 #Family #HistoricalThoughts #DidMaryKnow #DidMarysMotherKnow #RaisingGodsKids #ChildrenAreAnHeritageFromTheLord #Psalm127_3 #SpeakLife #ChooseTruth #TheyAreWatchingYou #MotherhoodIsAnHonor #FatherhoodIsAnHonor #Reward #Gift #Blessing #Love #ShePonderedInHerHeart [...]

Life Goals

December 28, 2022 Life Goals I continually reevaluate my “life goals,” if you want to call them that.   Core has always been to love Jesus, pass that on to everyone I can touch, and show love when I can.  The additions have changed a little: Pre-twenties, I wanted to be [...]

Encouragers: The Lady Who Smiles

The Lady Who Smile. Never underestimate the power of your small gesture! [...]

Thankfulness 2022

This year it may be a little premature, but I’m super excited about the amazing things. #Thankful #Gratitude #PensacolaChristianCollege #EmbryRiddleAeronauticalUniversity #LifeJourney #Children #GoodNewsChurch #WGVGymnastics #Education #Thankfulness [...]

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