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The Baby Bug-Free Zone

The Baby Bug-Free Zone

July 27, 2024

We have a long-term project that is going and going and going…

One thing we don’t have to ponder is where the baby (or sleeping 5-year-old) will go to play if the bugs are bad. 

Whoa! IF THE BUGS ARE BAD??  What side of sleepy are you writing from today?

We live in Florida, check.  (bugs are bad)

Our land is in an area that used to be a giant swamp, check. (bugs are bad)

We don’t do bugspray, check. (Sweat works fine, but the baby doesn’t really have stinky onion and garlic oil sweat just yet.)

Unless the three o-clock thunderstorm is whipping trees around, the bugs are out seeking what human bloodbank doesn’t offend them.  Okay, also, unless the sun has turned the air into a dry oven so hot that mosquitoes turn to ash if they venture out of the shade.  

Tiny humans tend to be the best shots – until BAM! Said bug gets stopped with a no-see-um screen on the top of the pup tent. 

This is our baby safe space.  Napping Thea?  No bugbites.  Crawling Laud? No bugbites.  Lucas… nah, he never slows down – the bugs can’t fly fast enough and it’s the smashing death to any that attempt it.

9 floor puzzle panels make the floor.  We lay this instant-set-up tent (takes 5 minutes for Jillian, less for me unless I’m one-handed) on top of said panels and cover it with the square shade tent and voila!  Baby safe space!

By the way, mosquitoes aren’t the worst; it’s the gnats!  Those pesky things get everywhere and don’t seem to care about sweat.  They just stick to sweaty people.  Side thought – that has to be a horrible way to die; smelling rank alien odors as you find your wings too wet to escape and drown in said alien goo.

Maybe this made you laugh today!

 Thank you for reading,

Type at you next time!

~Nancy Tart

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