The Many Faces of Thea
The Many Faces of Thea
November 1, 2022
This is Theadora.

I said “let me get a picture of your cute hair!”
Seriously? This child cracks me up with her faces!
They are: “I’m Thea” (top left), “I’m Coach Heather” (top middle), “I’m sad” (top right), “I’m sassy” (bottom left), “I’m Becky” (bottom 2nd from left), “I’m really mad” (bottom 2nd from left, “I’m a listening baby” (bottom right).
She loves everything her way and her biggest challenge right now is learning that she must listen to the teacher, coach, big sister, grandmother, or parent who is doing the teaching!
She absolutely loves gymnastics (she does only Fridays at Gym-N-Learn this season). Supposedly, her coach says she’s doing better at listening. I hope so. The reason it’s Fridays only? So I can bribe her with open gym participation if she listens! (Seriously, our open gym is immediately following Preschool Program – and that seems to work.)
Thea is a very independent three. I think “going on thirty” but then maybe she’s just “chasing Becky and Jillian” in the attitude department – and their determination has started to serve them well in practice and life. Thea wants to do everything herself – always has. That appears to be a huge thing for my children though, they always want to do whatever it is by themselves. It leads to them doing tasks and jobs before I think they are ready. (Taking the PERT or driving a motorized “big wheeler” at two or jumping into CAP leadership or raising animals or cutting potatoes.)
I always have to remind myself that Thea is only mine for a season. She is really Jesus’ daughter and I have the honor and blessing of being her mother. I enjoy each of her various faces and moods. I love to watch them grow. I love to guide them toward the truth.
That’s all what went through my brain while she posed with silly faces telling me what emotion or what person she was being.
Thank you for reading,
Type at you later!
~Nancy Tart
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