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The White Rose

The White Rose

June 23, 2024

Once upon a time I wrote a story called “The Special Gifts” for my little girls.  It was an allegory about keeping oneself pure for one’s future spouse.  In the beginning, the parents tell the children that God made them the protectors of their children.  At the “age of responsibility” each child is given their “special gift” to keep safe and pure for their spouse. 

It was actually based on a sermon I heard as a teenager. 

In a book “The Orphan Train Trilogy” I learned a tiny bit that flowers in arrangements actually had meanings!  That was so cool to me!  (Jump into a huge research on flowers and meanings and especially for my favorite flowers, roses – which had meanings that changed with color!)

In my research, I found that white roses meant pure love.  I had a white rose as the center of my bridal bouquet because to me, it symbolized that I had kept myself for my husband and was giving my gift to him when we wed.  

Yesterday, my mom sent me beautiful pictures of her hibiscus in full blooms and my little white rose with its first flower that I managed to coax from it. 

That reminded me that my main job as a mother is to protect my children.  I looked over at my little Laud who was climbing around in his “corral” at work.  Jesus, please give me the wisdom to pass on to these young women and men I’m honored to mother.  Renew my heart so that I take time to speak life and truth into my children’s lives.  Help me to make time with them.  

Thank you for reading,

Type at you next time!

~Nancy Tart

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