Women In Training – Christ is Always First
Women In Training – Christ is Always First
January 6, 2025
Woman in Training Series: Christ is Always First
The first thing I know about life is the truest. Christ is always first.
In deciding who to marry? Yes.
In deciding where to go to college? Yes.
In deciding what career to pursue? Yes.
In choosing what diapers to use? I’m even going to say yes to that.
Are you a Christian? If you said yes, then you chose to trust Jesus Christ with your eternal salvation. If you can trust Him for your eternal salvation, how can you not trust Him in everything else in your life?
That revelation came to me when I was at a church camp about sixteen years old. I started to question my real reasons for belief and question myself with, “do you really trust God in everything?”
I began to answer that question and try to adjust my attitude and lifestyle my response – which was “yes.”
This discovery started the lifestyle I chose and continue to live.
I trust Jesus in everything.
It started simply: I realized I trusted Jesus for my eternal salvation. Logically, that was a huge thing – more than simply “who to marry” (which, hello, is life-shaping). So, my logic brain said if I trusted Jesus with my eternal salvation, I should trust Him with everything in my life. That was my focus.
Once you decide to keep Christ first in everything in your life, you will see yourself allowing Him to direct your paths in everything from improving attitude to how to treat your siblings to how to dress and everything larger and smaller. If before every step you take you first pause to consider, “Is this showing that I’m putting Jesus first?” pray if you are uncertain, and consult the Bible for truth, you will learn to temper your flesh. You will be able to pause, pray, and plan. That’s what I used to tell myself as I was teaching my mind to trust.
It’s hard. Life often gets in the way. We get busy. That helps us forget to pause. I’ve found myself allowing my business to overtake my reflection. That means I’m choosing to allow something to get in the way of my choice to trust Jesus. To me honest, for me it’s often service (choosing to do too much) or “I’m doing this for my children” that gets in my way. I become too busy with something good. That’s a trick of the devil. He knows I love to help others and it’s hard for me to say no. It’s hard for me not to volunteer myself. The Bible tells us to “rest in the Lord” so many times though! It’s saying trust! Trust!
Keep Christ first. Always view your choices for their eternal impact. Yes, even the clothes you wear or the instant retort that is spat at an irritating sibling can have an eternal impact.
Pause. Pray. Plan.
Keep Christ first.
Type at you next time,
~Nancy Tart