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Women In Training – Let Your Words Be True

Women In Training – Let Your Words Be True

January 13, 2025

Woman in Training Series: Let Your Words Be True

How is your word?  In today’s society, what do we even think when we hear “your word?”  Do we think of a literal word spoken?  A one word text? 

A man’s word (sorry, guys, old school here so when I speak about mankind, I say “man” but it applies to us women too) is his honor.  It means that what he says is true.  It’s shown by a handshake. 

In today’s society when we close a business deal we wrap ourselves in 10 reams of signatures and legalese just so we can get a lawyer to break said monstrosity when we are tired of it.  

In my father’s time, when two boys on the playground fought and agreed to settle their dispute, they shook hands.  They watched their fathers promise to deliver x quarts of milk for x dollars and seal it with a handshake.  They watched men around them seal their promises with a handshake.  It meant “I promise” just as if they said it.  It was like Pharaoh saying, “so let it be written” or in the Bible, Paul closing each letter with “Amen” which meant, “let it be done.”

The Bible is very clear on this: “Let your yes be yes.”

When you tell your toddler you will take them to the park after you’re done shopping, you do it.

When you tell your friend you will be there, you go.

When you say you can volunteer Sunday, you do.

Your word is your honor.  Your word is your bond.  It means people can trust what you say. 

I promised myself as a twelve year old that I would not promise something and try not to say something would be done unless I could guarantee it happened.  I started with my siblings.  If I said I would wake them up at 5am to go fishing with me, I did.  (Sometimes they didn’t like it.)  If I said I would make pancakes, I did.  To the best of my ability, I avoided saying “I promise” and allowed my word, anything spoken from my mouth, to be my promise. 

That carried over into everything in life. 

This is why it’s so easy for me to get too busy.  I feel like I have to say yes and then stress about doing everything I said I would do.  I commonly have to back up and restart my “streak” when it comes to speaking only my word.  I fail often.  I have to let Jesus hit the restart button and choose to temper my words to only what I can deliver. 

Let your yes be yes.  Let your no be no.

That is so simple yet one of the hardest things for most I find.  They find it easy to promise something but then find excuses as to why they don’t deliver.  I can only do it with Christ.  You have to commit to surrendering every word from your mouth to Jesus; making sure that your words are true. 

Let your words be true.

Type at you later,

~Nancy Tart

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